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Game Name : Sims 2, The : University
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-01-07 08:19:14
Views : 16241

See Will Wright:
Enter the Create-A-Sim screen. Look at the corner on the left, next to the mirror, to see a portrait of Will Wright (the creator of the Sims series) as a Sim.

Delete unwanted Sim:
Enable the moveObjects on code and go into buy mode. Click on the Sim then press [Delete]; or drag him or her to the area where it says: click here to delete. The Sim will be permanently deleted.

Make dorm rooms into regular rooms:
Enable the moveObjects on code and go into buy mode. Click on a dorm room door and delete it. Then, find an extra door and move it to the dorm room.

Play as the NPC's your teen Sims bring home from school
Since those NPC's that they bring home are teens, you'll never be able to have them move in with you, but if you go to the Neighborhood screen and go to where the Sim bin is, you'll see an option that says 'Send Sims to college' under that menu is all of the teen Sim NPC's. Send them to college and play them there until they Graduate or once at college just have them drop out to send them back to the Neighborhood and in the Sim bin where you can have them move into a lot and play them there.

Change TV Volume
The cheat command floatProp tvVolume X will change the volume of the TV in The Sims 2 University.The default value for X is 0.5. Lowering this to 0.0 mutes the TV. Subsequently, raising it to 1.0 raises the volume.

Selecting a major:
Pick a major that not only leads to a career for a Sim, but also takes into consideration their level of skills when they get to college. If you choose wisely, they will skate through many semesters without even worrying about skills.

Getting the room that you want:
If your Sim wanted a certain room and someone else took it, click on their face on the left side of the screen. Click on their door and choose "Unclaim Room". If you do not control that Sim, then delete the door.

Free items:
While your Sim is in college, claim a dorm room. Then, click the "Buy Catalog" button and look through the other dorm rooms. Use the hand to pick up things from the other dorm rooms and drag them into your dorm room. You can even take items in the halls of the college and from the kitchen.

Easy Free Items in Dorms
In order for this trick to work, you'll either have to have a computer that has no problem loading the TS2U lots, or patience. Either one will work. ;)First of all, create a large household - eight, if the loading times won't be too bad. This is to insure that you have a family with the maximum amount of starting money possible. Next, move them into whichever dorm you want to have a lot of objects/wallpapers that don't come with the dorm. Go into buy mode and buy whatever you wish with that household's spending money. Now move them out. If you happen to enter the lot after you've moved them out, you'll notice that the objects and/or aspiration rewards they have purchased do NOT go with them (the objects/rewards are still there). You can do this as many times as you want to get as many free objects/changes in the dorms as you want! Have fun!

The Mysterious Friend
Whenever, you use your portable gaming system, after finishing playing it, a relationship point gain will appear over your head. After playing with the game many times, your Sim will even develop a crush on it. The strange part is though, no new Sims are added to your friends list.

Easy aspiration
This works best in a dorm where there are a lot of students.Wait until your sim gets the "do assignment" want.Wait for a NPC to start doing theirs,and when they are nearly finished,issue a social command to the NPC.He/she will leave the work on the desk.click on it and finish it,but you get the points even tough it isn't your work!

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